I actually slept on my right side!! My back was really bothering me, and I decided to try laying on my non-op side with a pillow between my legs...I was surprised there wasn't any excruciating pain. There was some aching and a pulling feeling in my hip....but not enough to prevent me from staying in that position and falling asleep. I woke up this morning on my back again, so I must have rolled back over due to some discomfort at some point. But regardless....I DID IT!
I just finished my last week with having a "caregiver". Sadly I'll have to figure it all out myself now! My friend did however offer to come for another week early in September. Partially to assist/keep me company and partially to offer us an AMAZING favour! Our one year wedding anniversary is September 10 and she said she'd be happy to watch the kitties so we could have a couple worry free nights away! (We have two cats that require medication and that prevents us from going away unless someone is here to help. It makes it even more difficult since one of those two is a "scaredy-cat" and hides.)
At the moment:
- I am off pain meds for the most part (although last night I took one since I had such a busy couple days that left me feeling very stiff, achy and sore).
- I can sit off and on for a max of 3 hours.
- I am thinking about going back to work! I miss my regular routine....that being said I will probably give it 2-3 more weeks....but the point is I AM THINKING about it. :)
- I am doing all exercises 3 times per day! (Takes about one hour)
- I am icing several times per day.
- Getting in and out of bed is a piece of cake now! My leg is strong enough to lift it with minimal discomfort.
- My ROM is definitely improving.
- My thigh and knee is still quite sore.
- I can get in and out of the car (as a passenger) quicker and with more ease.
- Can do light cooking and housework (no bending or twisting).
- My right hip is not very happy! :( But I've been given strengthening exercises for it and hope it will feel better as it gets stronger.
Off to ice, do stretches then head out to do a couple errands with my hubby.
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